Tips on Getting Better at Toes-to-Bar

4 Limiting Factors for Toes-to-Bar.

1. Weak lower abdominal muscles

2. Weak shoulder girdle and/or lats

3. Thoracic Mobility

4. Tight Hamstrings

Accessory work is always a great place to start when working on mastering a skill. Strengthening your mid-line is an easy one to prioritize and see results quickly. Here are a few exercises to help:

  1. Chinese Planks
  2. Weighted Planks
  3. Planks with a Weighted Dip Belt
  4. Hollow Rock to Superman on the Floor
  5. V-Ups
  6. L-Sits
  7. Strict Toes-to-Bar or Strict Hanging Knee Raises at a tempo

You can try and add a few of these options 2-3 times a week.

Try this: 3 sets not for time:

  • Chinese plank x 45-60 seconds
  • Rest 60-90 seconds
  • V-ups x 10-12
  • Rest 60-90 seconds
  • Hollow Rock to Superman x 20
  • Rest 2 minutes

Ask any of the coaches for more information or if you have questions.

Andrew Malek-Zadeh